Sunday 11 May 2008

Carla Bruni Nude Pic Sold For 20 Times Expected Price

Carla Bruni Nude Pic Sold For 20 Times Expected Price

A photograph of French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy standing naked in a sultry pose – piece natural covering her modesty with her manpower – sold today in New House of York for to a greater extent than 20 times its expected selling price. A vendee for a Chinese fine art gatherer paid US$91,000 for the monochrome effigy, Christie's auction house said. The ikon was snapped by photographer Michel Comte in 1993, during the height of Bruni-Sarkozy modelling calling. The sale of the photograph has attracted a great deal attention since Bruni married French President of the United States Nicolas Sarkozy in February. The pic, which was auctioned as parting of a sale of 140 photos from High German collector Gert Elfering, had been expected to sell for 'tween US$3,000 and US$4,000. An Avedon portrayal of 50s and 60s Daniel Chester French silver screen siren Brigitte Bardot too sold advantageously above expectations, when a vendee paid US$181,000 for the image. It had been expected to sell for 'tween US$80,000 and US$120,000. Photo taken by Michel Auguste Comte.

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